Please check the Event Calendar for the latest information on program and time or location changes.
Also monitor the club VHF repeater VE6RYC, 146.850 MHz -600 110.9 Hz encode, for notices and club information.
CARA has a regularly scheduled general meeting each month September through June except December.
When: Third Saturday of the month @ 1:00pm
Where: Calgary Sports Car Club 4215 - 80 Avenue NE, Calgary. We also make the meetings available on Zoom. Please check the CARA Events Calendar for details.
The CARATELS has become the "fun" group within CARA. Because we have noon-time meetings, most attendees do have grey hair and are, in fact, retired. However, in no way is the group restricted to grey hair and retirees. Don't attend if you don't want to have a good time. If you are free at noon once a month, come to CARATELS for an inexpensive lunch, some good laughs, interesting programs and plenty of time to eyeball and yak with fellow hams.
When: First Thursday of the month. Lunch at 1130,
Where: Forest Lawn Legion Branch #275, 755 40St. SE, Calgary, AB T2A 5G3
When: First Wednesday of the month at 7:15 pm
Where: Please check the events calendar.
Note: The VHF Group has been rolled into a new General Meeting format on the 3rd Saturday of the month. See the CARA Calendar