(from Dave Cason VE6DED, President)
Hi Folks,
Well, I’m sitting here in my underwear typing this in a 28 degree room, and the elements on my tower have melted, how’s that for a pretty picture? (grin)
No, calm down and stop crying. I'm not really doing that, but it is 32 deg out today and for early June in Calgary – that’s saying something.
It’s safe to say spring has sprung and the summer is soon upon us, and what sort of summer will it be? That’s the big question. With the rally off for now, however things are slowly getting going again with Field Day moving ahead and word that SARA will have a flea market in the fall, and even the Stampede is right around the corner.
As for the club’s executive committee and the various groups within CARA, meetings are being held and plans are being made. There is work being done at the club station and at the various repeater sites, and the VHF special interest group has been having some great meetings and topics, so we’re slowly waking up from our COVID slumber. If we are lucky, I think we may even get back to “normal” by the fall.
So what does this all mean? Well, we’d like to get busy with even more events and projects, and even some new ideas as we slowly come back to life, and that’s where we can use more help. I think all the special interest groups, and the club as a whole would welcome any new ideas and or projects you would like to propose.
As well, we’d also like some people who really want to see things happen join the board of directors. Our job is to listen to the members and their ideas, and then if enough people think it’s a good idea – help make it happen!
Soon we have elections coming up and we would really like more members to get involved – as a small board of just four, we think it would be nice to have a person from each special interest group join the board if they can. It's not vital but, it would sure make things easier for us communication wise if we could get one person from each group to join the board. So if you are part of one of the teams out there working at the station or on the repeater team or the VHF special interest group and the Comm trailer team, we would like to hear from you!
If you are a member and have been around for a few years – AGAIN - welcome and feel free to come and give us a hand; JOIN THE BOARD!
Once things get going again it would sure be nice to have the help. Having the board meetings via Zoom does make it a ton easier. A face to face meeting once in a while is okay but, the Zoom meeting makes the commute that much easier!
Here’s hoping for a ‘soon to be’ return back to “normal”; heck, I bet everyone misses the donut’s and coffee and all the radio tales at the club meetings…
73 de VE6DED
Dave, President
Calgary Amateur Radio Association