submitted by Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL, CARA President
Greetings, members, and all who are interested in amateur radio. Happy summer!
2021 summer Field Day has come and gone, and by all accounts, it was another very successful event. Thanks goes to Michel Smith VE6HEM and Rob Wilson VE6CCL for doing the organizing. Well done all!
We are keeping quite busy around the club. It’s been an unprecedented hot June and July and the heat appears to be here to stay for the season. Stay clear of forest fires!
Finally, we have made some headway with getting improvements made with the building and yard of the Calgary Sports Car Club. The main thrust of it is to stop the flooding of the yard and the seepage/mold into the basement where our VE6AO station is located.
Work will start the week of July 26 with concrete work on the exterior stairs going down into the basement. The stairs and stairwell will be extended upwards by at least two feet. This will accommodate the raising of the ground around the south snd east sides of the building so that water sheds away from the building. Read: no more pooling around the club house!
New window wells are also to be installed where necessary to accommodate the higher ground level.
Earth moving is to tentatively commence the week of August 10. Members of the Station Interest Group will be on hand to point out locations of coax cables in the grass between the building snd the towers.
Many thanks to the guys on last year’s Executive Committee for getting these improvements rolling - Dave VE6DED, Harry VE6HRY, Stephane VE6NR, and Peter VA6RPL. .
Many thx to the same Dave, Harry, Stephane, and one other colleague, who did the yard cleanup prior to the upcoming earthworks.
After the earthworks, will come additional inside and outside improvements to the building, possibly such as improved exterior doors, an audio visual system for classes/meetings/rally orientations, roofing, etc. Step by step, things are happening.
The Repeater Interest Group remains busy with doing repairs to the roof of the VE6RYC building. The next work party is scheduled for August 7. For information on any project events with the repeater group, send your request to:
It looks like the car rallies are starting to roll again. The next one is October 9. Garry VE6GDS and Dana VA6DJH are busy coordinating the radio operators for the next rally. Here’s the link to the ongoing updates for the next event.
Garry and Dana have a survey for radio operators who participate in car rallies.
Please reply on this survey by July 31.
So, let’s stay busy having fun with the many facets of amateur radio.
Enjoy the summer!