Message from the CARA Executive
Joel Weder, Vice President
August, 2021
"Well, it's about time!!" I can hear one or two of you thinking just that as you read this. Yes, I've been a ham for over 30 years now, and I've been a member of CARA for all but the first couple of years. So I guess it really is about time that I jump in and start doing my part on the CARA executive. Thanks to Rob VE6CCL for doing a little gentle persuasion, by the way!
As I write this, the third QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo is under way. Wow, what a tremendous event. If you can't actually GO to a hamfest or convention, this is the way to do it. All sorts of interesting presentations, on topics from basic troubleshooting to SOTA activations to designing a ham satellite!
But speaking of hamfests, it's sounding like there MAY actually be a hamfest in Calgary this fall, sponsored by SARA. I've already booked two tables - how about you? The tentative date is October 23rd, with doors opening at 9 am, and as usual it'll be held at the Eastside City Church. Everybody please do your part to make sure we're on the right side of the curve, so this event can go ahead!
While most hams have been doing their own thing this summer, trying to stay cool or just stay out of the hospital, the members of various CARA teams have stayed busy. The new executive team is learning our roles, club procedures and processes, to be ready for meetings in the fall. The repeater team has also been busy, with work ongoing to repair the roof at the RYC repeater site. Thanks must go to our very energetic Doug Howard, VE6CID, for organizing that effort as well as work at other sites.
The Calgary Sports Car Club (our landlord) has finally decided to move ahead with landscaping work and building modifications to keep water away from the building. If you've been there, you'll know the site has often been very wet, and the basement has certainly not been ideal for a contest station due to mold concerns. Various team members have been regularly dropping by the CSCC site to monitor the work and try to minimize damage to CARA's many antennas and towers. Special thanks to Harry Maylor VE6HRY for acting as liaison with the CSCC.
The club participated in Field Day, operating a Multi-Op Low Power entry. At least seven hams got on the air, including VA6HEM, VE6CCL, VE6WMS, VE6DXM, VE6ACF, VE6KC and VE6KZ. The new location worked out well, and while it was hot there was at least some breeze, and no rain for a change. Thanks to Mike VA6HEM and Rob VE6CCL for organizing, and the whole team for an excellent effort!
Personally, I've also been very busy. I'm a member of a team that's developing Winlink standards and training materials , in conjunction with RAC and the new Auxiliary Communication Service. (ACS) Have you tried Winlink yet? Basically, it's email over radio, via either HF or VHF/UHF radio. If you can run digital modes, you can do Winlink. Super cool stuff, and very useful for working with our Emergency Services partners.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope to get out and have some portable HF fun as the weather slowly cools down. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing you at club meetings over the coming months. Keep enjoying the hobby, whatever aspect of it has caught your interest this summer!
Joel Weder, VE6EI
Vice President, CARA