Greetings all, from Peter Barry, VA6PJB, CARA Secretary.
We are into the fall season and Thanksgiving. We are thankful for the efforts of the dedicated hams who volunteer in so many ways to serve the community and support the hobby. We recently saw this in the great turnout for the Rocky Mountain Rally. That event could not take place without the support of the ham radio volunteers.
Another event that had a great turnout of dedicated volunteers was the work party to repair the roof at our principal repeater site, VE6RYC on Nose Hill, an essential site for hobby activities and emergency communications to support the community if needed.
Other volunteers keep our club station at the CSCC operating for long range communications capabilities.
The range of club activities is wide, and we can always use a helping hand along the way. We urge members to seek out what interests them and pitch in for the benefit of fellow hams and the community. And remember to not only turn on that radio but push the PTT and communicate with others.
We live in a great city, province, country and we have much more in common than some politicians and social media groups would like us to believe. They thrive on division and crises which are less important to our overall success and satisfaction than they think. Let’s hope that we can soon see each other in person.
In the meantime, we continue to have our meetings virtually either on the radio or through video conference. Check the website for the schedule.
Our Annual General Meeting is coming up Tuesday, November 23, 2021. Please join us to hear about the state of affairs, especially financial, with the presentation of the annual budget for the 2021-2022 financial year. We need good attendance for a quorum for voting.
So keep on communicating and participating! Silence is not golden. Light up those silent frequencies!
73 DE VA6PJB Peter Barry, Secretary, CARA