from Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL, CARA President
Greetings, fellow amateur radio enthusiasts. Happy New year from the CARA Executive Committee! We continue to work hard for you. Contact us anytime at .
Our latest news is, subject to Covid, the annual CARA Flea Market and Learning Conference has been announced. Joel WederVE6EI will be the coordinator for the flea market this year, on April 9th, and can be reached at . We will soon open up the registration for this event on the posting on the CARA Events page. Payment for the tables may also be made there.
Many thanks goes to Neeroo VE6NRO for coordinating this year’s Winter Field Day, January 29th and 30th. Registration for this event can be done on the posting on the CARA Events page.
Registrants, please contact Neeroo at to let her know what time you would like to be scheduled on the Roster. Ongoing information for the event is posted in the General forum, including the Roster. Though not in the official modes for WFD, we have added WinLink, which is email over radio, to this year`s activities.
The station interest group continues to hold DX contesting on a regular basis. CARA continues to take home awards for high scores in these world wide events. Kudos to all those DX’ers working the bands!
The VHF interest group is putting on activities involving radio direction finding, RDA antenna building, and fox hunting. Contact the VHF group at for details.
Our Member Survey is scheduled to go live later this month (January). Expect an email, announcing its readiness, through a link on the CARA website. Look for results on the CARA website, and in the KeyKlix. Contact us at for queries on this.
A coordinator is needed for Maker Faire 2022, May 14th and 15th, is at the BMO Centre in Calgary. Please shoot us an email at for more info.
Please contact our casino manager, Alan VE6BUZ, at to volunteer for a shift at our 2022 June 8th and 9th casino.
Our revamping of the CARA web site, plus closer management of FaceBook and Twitter, is going well. Social media are vehicles that can bring much attention to CARA so we want to manage these web presences well. In particular, the Home or ‘landing’ page will have a whole new look and functionality, to make sure all the great things that CARA has to offer are showcased right up front. Look for the rollout in March. Direct enquiries about this to .
The repeater interest group reports they are working on 2 m voice linking from VE6RYC out to VE6AQA Fortress. This is a long awaited functionality we are avidly expecting. We also hope to use VE6AQA at the Great Cookie Race in February. Well done, repeater team!
Lastly, but far from least, a big hand goes to Garry VE6GDS, Dana VA6DJH, and Sharron Spicer MD, for organizing and compiling the Rally Radio Operator Survey Report. What a valuable source of information for planning future rallies! Great initiative! Super job, all!