this month's message from Stephane Raimbault, Treasurer VE6NR
Welcome to another monthly executive message. Spring certainly feels in the air with the warmer than usual temperatures since mid-January. This has played well for a very successful Winter Field Day activity which was held at the Edgemont Community Centre on January 29th and 30th. We would like to extend our thanks to the volunteers who organized the event for our club and the community.
In January we held our first open forum meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The purpose of this meeting is to invite club members to bring ideas and project proposals forward to the executive as well as garner feedback from other club members. We hope that this open forum provides an opportunity for all interested members to participate and be involved in project proposals and help identify priorities for the organization. We plan on continuing this on a monthly basis so please keep an eye on the event calendar if you would like to join the discussion. If you have a project you’d like to propose, please email the to ensure you get slotted on the agenda.
Recently club members have come together and have worked on reviving some of our club social media presence. This group has been hard at work at getting a facebook group and twitter feed back into a more active state. Next up are some much needed improvements to the website to improve the navigation on the website. Stay tuned for future updates on this front! Great work web dev team.
In January, the executive prepared a members survey to garner feedback from its members to ensure the executive committee understands its club member’s interests and priorities regarding the hobby and what CARA should ensure it’s properly focused on. The survey closes February 15th and we are excited to share the results once the report has been tabulated. Watch this space for updates!
It’s been a busy few weeks and it doesn’t stop there. Upcoming on the events calendar is a public service event which provides our members an opportunity to volunteer at the Calgary Sports Car Club’s annual Cochrane Winter Rally. Check out this exciting opportunity to volunteer while utilizing your ham radio experience to provide safety and communications for this public event. More information can be found on our website's events calendar.
We wish you a great month and look forward to connecting with our members at the upcoming meetings this month. See you (virtually) soon!
73 de VE6NR
Stephane Raimbault, Treasurer
Calgary Amateur Radio Association
47 & 73,