Hello Rally Radio Operators;
It has been a tough year for everyone and everything, including the rally scene. It appears that the pandemic is finally coming under control. So, I am sure that we are all ready to get back to something more 'normal' in our lives - and that should include rally!
As you are likely aware, planning is underway to hold the Rocky Mountain Rally in October. It will have been over a year since our last major event, so it will take a little more effort to get ourselves prepared this time. To kick start the process, Dana and I have developed a survey in which we would appreciate your participation. The results of this survey will help us to plan future events (including this fall's rally) and make things as fun and safe as possible.
We have used Google Forms for this survey. Forms provides a flexible, efficient, and reasonably secure platform. A link to the survey is provided below. Please read the instructions carefully as this will help to ensure consistency across the responses. We would like to provide anonymized summary information back to the Amateur Radio community, so that everyone can see the results. The intent is to leave the survey open to responses until 31 July. This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Thank you in advance for helping us with this first step in returning to the fun of radio operations at rally events.
Click on the following link to access the survey form:
{Survey form now closed - Edit 2021 07 31}
Dana Harding, VA6DJH
Garry Spicer, VE6GDS