Calgary Amateur Radio Association
Enjoy Amateur Radio | Serve Our Community
from Joel Weder VE6EI, Vice President
The last time I wrote for Key Klix, it was November and winter was just getting started. Now it's March, and we're seeing signs that spring may really be near. The chickadees are calling out "Hi, sweetie!" all over town. By the time you read this, it may at least technically be spring, though we know there can be wicked storms in spring as well as winter, if not even more so!
Speaking of spring, the CARA spring Flea Market and Learning Conference will be held on Saturday, April 9th at the Eastside City Church. The first conference session starts at 8:00 am. Doors will open for flea market vendors at 9 am, and for the general public at 10 am. Keep an eye on the CARA calendar and the Flea Market page (in the Resources menu) for more details. We'll also post any COVID-related changes there. We could still use a couple of volunteers, so please feel free to contact me to offer an hour or two of your time. Or if you'd like to reserve a table to offload some fleas, email me:
The various CARA special interest groups are as busy as ever. There simply isn't room on this page to mention it all. The annual Kananaskis Cookie Race (cross-country ski "loppet") took place on the weekend of February 26, and was very successful. Thanks to all the volunteers who spent a long, cold day in the mountains, as well as organizer Dana VA6DJH. The club also assisted at the Cochrane Winter Rally on March 6th. Next up is the Rocky Mountain Rally, to be held on May 27-28. Details will be posted on the Events Calendar.
The Station team has been busy performing maintenance at VE6AO, as well as doing prep work for addition of the station's new log periodic HF antenna. They've installed Winlink (email over radio) software on the station computers, and somehow found time to operate contests as well. Plus, they should by now have received a new Yaesu FTDX101 contest-grade HF rig to replace their faulty FT-2000.
A successful Fox Hunt was held on February 12th at Confederation Park. There were about 20 attendees, a good very turnout for a winter event! Much thanks to organizer Neeroo, VE6NRO. We look forward to more hidden transmitter hunts, whether in warm weather or snow!
Alan VE6BUZ is busy rounding up volunteers for the next casino, which will take place on June 8th & 9th. As the casino funds are a major source of income for CARA, we hope that you can find time to work a shift or two. Please contact Alan if you'd like to help out:
Did you know that CARA has a presence on both Facebook and Twitter? Just search for "Calgary Amateur Radio Association." On Twitter our "handle" is @CARA club. We encourage all members to monitor our club feeds, and to post when you have interesting news to share!
The next General meeting will be on VE6RYC, Tuesday March 26th at 7 pm. We'll be discussing the results of our big survey, which closed on February 15th with 85 responses. By the time this is published, you should be able to see the survey results by going to the Member Forum on the CARA website. We're aiming for an in-person general club meeting on April 26th, 7 pm at the Sports Car Club. That will be a welcome change for many of us. We hope to see you there!
Joel Weder, VE6EI Vice President
this month's message from Stephane Raimbault, Treasurer VE6NR
Welcome to another monthly executive message. Spring certainly feels in the air with the warmer than usual temperatures since mid-January. This has played well for a very successful Winter Field Day activity which was held at the Edgemont Community Centre on January 29th and 30th. We would like to extend our thanks to the volunteers who organized the event for our club and the community.
In January we held our first open forum meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The purpose of this meeting is to invite club members to bring ideas and project proposals forward to the executive as well as garner feedback from other club members. We hope that this open forum provides an opportunity for all interested members to participate and be involved in project proposals and help identify priorities for the organization. We plan on continuing this on a monthly basis so please keep an eye on the event calendar if you would like to join the discussion. If you have a project you’d like to propose, please email the to ensure you get slotted on the agenda.
Recently club members have come together and have worked on reviving some of our club social media presence. This group has been hard at work at getting a facebook group and twitter feed back into a more active state. Next up are some much needed improvements to the website to improve the navigation on the website. Stay tuned for future updates on this front! Great work web dev team.
In January, the executive prepared a members survey to garner feedback from its members to ensure the executive committee understands its club member’s interests and priorities regarding the hobby and what CARA should ensure it’s properly focused on. The survey closes February 15th and we are excited to share the results once the report has been tabulated. Watch this space for updates!
It’s been a busy few weeks and it doesn’t stop there. Upcoming on the events calendar is a public service event which provides our members an opportunity to volunteer at the Calgary Sports Car Club’s annual Cochrane Winter Rally. Check out this exciting opportunity to volunteer while utilizing your ham radio experience to provide safety and communications for this public event. More information can be found on our website's events calendar.
We wish you a great month and look forward to connecting with our members at the upcoming meetings this month. See you (virtually) soon!
73 de VE6NR
Stephane Raimbault, Treasurer
from Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL, CARA President
Greetings, fellow amateur radio enthusiasts. Happy New year from the CARA Executive Committee! We continue to work hard for you. Contact us anytime at .
Our latest news is, subject to Covid, the annual CARA Flea Market and Learning Conference has been announced. Joel WederVE6EI will be the coordinator for the flea market this year, on April 9th, and can be reached at . We will soon open up the registration for this event on the posting on the CARA Events page. Payment for the tables may also be made there.
Many thanks goes to Neeroo VE6NRO for coordinating this year’s Winter Field Day, January 29th and 30th. Registration for this event can be done on the posting on the CARA Events page.
Registrants, please contact Neeroo at to let her know what time you would like to be scheduled on the Roster. Ongoing information for the event is posted in the General forum, including the Roster. Though not in the official modes for WFD, we have added WinLink, which is email over radio, to this year`s activities.
The station interest group continues to hold DX contesting on a regular basis. CARA continues to take home awards for high scores in these world wide events. Kudos to all those DX’ers working the bands!
The VHF interest group is putting on activities involving radio direction finding, RDA antenna building, and fox hunting. Contact the VHF group at for details.
Our Member Survey is scheduled to go live later this month (January). Expect an email, announcing its readiness, through a link on the CARA website. Look for results on the CARA website, and in the KeyKlix. Contact us at for queries on this.
A coordinator is needed for Maker Faire 2022, May 14th and 15th, is at the BMO Centre in Calgary. Please shoot us an email at for more info.
Please contact our casino manager, Alan VE6BUZ, at to volunteer for a shift at our 2022 June 8th and 9th casino.
Our revamping of the CARA web site, plus closer management of FaceBook and Twitter, is going well. Social media are vehicles that can bring much attention to CARA so we want to manage these web presences well. In particular, the Home or ‘landing’ page will have a whole new look and functionality, to make sure all the great things that CARA has to offer are showcased right up front. Look for the rollout in March. Direct enquiries about this to .
The repeater interest group reports they are working on 2 m voice linking from VE6RYC out to VE6AQA Fortress. This is a long awaited functionality we are avidly expecting. We also hope to use VE6AQA at the Great Cookie Race in February. Well done, repeater team!
Lastly, but far from least, a big hand goes to Garry VE6GDS, Dana VA6DJH, and Sharron Spicer MD, for organizing and compiling the Rally Radio Operator Survey Report. What a valuable source of information for planning future rallies! Great initiative! Super job, all!
from Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL, President
Greetings, fellow amateur radio enthusiasts. It is the Yuletide season, and we are looking forward to a slightly less Covid-restrictive Christmas season this year. The CARA Executive Committee extends a merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and yours.
Don’t forget our virtual Christmas Party, on Zoom, on Dec 21 at 7 PM. Don your favourite reindeer antlers, Santa hat, or elf getup, and show us your favourite eggnog concoction. My personal eggnog includes nutmeg and a cinnamon stick.
Login details:
Your Executive Committee has, indeed, been very busy. Not only are our regularly scheduled monthly meetings filled with much club business, but we communicate on pretty much a daily basis via email, phone, and texting to share information, gather opinions, and even make decisions. Contact us anytime at .
Our Member Survey will soon be available for release. It is scheduled to go live on 2022 January 15, and will cover many facets of the club. All members will receive an email, letting them know it’s ready. It will be accessed through a link on the CARA website. The raw results will be posted on the CARA website, and be published in the KeyKlix newsletter. Your Executive Committee will definitely act on the results of this survey. Yes, we listen! Queries? Contact us at .
Winter Field Day is on for 2022! Please contact the event’s coordinator, Neeroo VE6NRO, at, for more information, volunteering, and/or radio operating at this event.
Maker Faire 2022 is at the BMO Centre in Calgary. CARA plans to have a presence there to showcase our communications trailer and promote amateur radio and its extensive home-brew pursuits. A coordinator is needed. Please drop us an email at for more info.
The Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) agency has granted us a fund-raiser casino on 2022 June 8 & 9 at the Cash Casino Place in Calgary. Please contact CARA’s Casino manager, Alan Kearley VE6BUZ, at to volunteer at this event.
At long last, we are finally revitalizing our web site. It has served us well over the years, at least for existing members. However, it did nothing to provide information to potential new members, specific amateur radio user groups, the general public, potential new public service clients, and our AGLC benefactor. Of primary focus is the Home Page, aka the “Landing Page”, followed by some reorganization of the interior pages. New pages will be added, as required, to better support the topics presented on the landing site. I can’t say enough about what a fantastic group of people who have joined our web development and social media committee. Many kudos go to Pat Spencer VE6PDS, Brady Fullerton VA6BAM, Ralph Garnett VA6RHG, Dave Krull VA6DQ, Warren Shockey VE6WMS and Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL. A great depth of web development, social media smarts, and industry knowhow exists in this group. Any questions about this initiative can be directed to .
The development of two new potential amateur radio user groups at CARA is being pursued. One group is the motorized off-roading community which includes “jeeps”, snowmobiles, and ATV’s. The other is the offshore cruising sailor community which typically have MF, HF, and SSB amateur radio rigs complementing their communications capabilities on board their vessels. WinLink has already been installed on all VE6AO operating positions. These groups, and supporting web pages, will be included on the coming new CARA Home and interior pages.
Many thanks goes to the repeater interest group for doing last minute work on the VE6RYC station roof before the snow started flying. Well done, guys. Sixteen stations are currently listed on CARA’s lineup of repeaters. That’s no small feat and a great deal of gratitude is owed to the team that sets these up and keeps them going. Questions about our repeaters can be directed to: . Other news includes a renewed priority to implement voice linking between our Calgary, Kananaskis, Bow Valley, and Carbon repeater stations. The next voice linking is to be out to Fortress VE6AQA. Suggestions have also been heard to add a voice linked VHF repeater to the south area of Calgary. Calls have also been heard for this voice linked system to have enough coverage within the Calgary city limits for handheld users to access the system.
At the VE6AO station, where Alberta Health Services (AHS) has recently relaxed Covid restrictions, the members have seen some semblance of life and activities there returning to normal. The station interest group has been hard at it with ongoing projects. One of the initiatives the members are working on is the Earth Moon Earth (EME) project aka “moon bounce”. On hold for the last few years, the EME project has resumed, and the antenna for this is being mounted on the southernmost tower in CARA’s antenna farm behind the CSCC clubhouse. Other projects in the works include a log periodic antenna which will fill the gaps in bands not easily available through existing infrastructure. Contact this group at for more information.
With the widespread vaccination of Alberta’s population, and if variants don’t resurge the Covid pandemic, we are hoping that in-person meetings may resume later in the spring. Someday … sigh... life will eventually return to normal and we can resume our socials, meetings, and gatherings at our various venues. Hoping that Santa remembers us all, I bid you all a good night !
(November message from Joel Weder VE6EI, Vice President CARA)
All of a sudden, here we are in the middle of November. How the heck did that happen?
At least the weather's not too bad at the moment for antenna projects. Are you planning anything? Though as I write this there were terrible HF conditions due to a big solar flare. But at least the aurora was amazing! Or so I hear - I slept through it, again!
There is a lot going on with various club special interest groups recently. The Repeater team got up to VE6RYC on Nose Hill to finish the roof project. Thanks to VE6CID, VA6PJB and VE6WXQ for getting that messy project dealt with before winter. And they're starting to look at a project to link to VE6AQA, the Kananaskis voice repeater. That will come in very handy as winter closes in and Hwy 40 becomes more treacherous. And any time of year really, as there's so much recreational activity through that area.
The Station team has been busy cleaning up and organizing the Sports Car Club yard. Lots of hardware for upcoming projects or leftovers had accumulated. The team, including VE6TC, VE6CCL, VE6WMS and others, made a concerted effort to separate items that could be sold or disposed of from items that were to be kept for near-term projects. This was very timely, as the CSCC has recently completed a landscaping project to improve drainage in the area. Work done will help ensure the club station remains dry when there's heavy rain. Thank you CSCC!
We received word recently that CARA will be assigned a casino time slot in the spring of 2022. The funds received from casinos help us to fund many projects, large and small. As our Casino Coordinator Martin VE6VH (thanks Martin!) has recently stepped down, we are looking for someone to take on the role. And when the time comes, we hope we can count on some of you to offer your time to work a shift.
We had an enjoyable monthly general meeting, this time held on VE6RYC. Attendees were asked about what could be done to improve CARA. We received some very well thought-out ideas. Thank you to those who participated. For those who didn't attend, just so you know, General meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm, with the exception of our Zoom Christmas Party, which will be held on Tuesday, December 21st at 7 pm. Meetings have been held on Zoom, or occasionally on VE6RYC, though we do hope to start holding them in person sometime early in the New Year. You can always find the details by going to the club website ( and checking the Upcoming Calendar Events section.
One of the topics brought up at the general meeting on VE6RYC was "How do we get more youth interested in ham radio?" Suggestions included doing presentations and demonstrations for the Scouts, Guides, Air Cadets and also the SAIT & university engineering students. Some of this has taken place over the years, but efforts could certainly be stepped up. Anyone interested in taking on this task? It really ought to be up to ALL of us to promote our wonderful hobby/service, whenever we see the opportunity.
73 for now, until we see (or hear) each other next time...
Joel Weder, VE6EI
Vice President, CARA
Greetings all, from Peter Barry, VA6PJB, CARA Secretary.
We are into the fall season and Thanksgiving. We are thankful for the efforts of the dedicated hams who volunteer in so many ways to serve the community and support the hobby. We recently saw this in the great turnout for the Rocky Mountain Rally. That event could not take place without the support of the ham radio volunteers.
Another event that had a great turnout of dedicated volunteers was the work party to repair the roof at our principal repeater site, VE6RYC on Nose Hill, an essential site for hobby activities and emergency communications to support the community if needed.
Other volunteers keep our club station at the CSCC operating for long range communications capabilities.
The range of club activities is wide, and we can always use a helping hand along the way. We urge members to seek out what interests them and pitch in for the benefit of fellow hams and the community. And remember to not only turn on that radio but push the PTT and communicate with others.
We live in a great city, province, country and we have much more in common than some politicians and social media groups would like us to believe. They thrive on division and crises which are less important to our overall success and satisfaction than they think. Let’s hope that we can soon see each other in person.
In the meantime, we continue to have our meetings virtually either on the radio or through video conference. Check the website for the schedule.
Our Annual General Meeting is coming up Tuesday, November 23, 2021. Please join us to hear about the state of affairs, especially financial, with the presentation of the annual budget for the 2021-2022 financial year. We need good attendance for a quorum for voting.
So keep on communicating and participating! Silence is not golden. Light up those silent frequencies!
73 DE VA6PJB Peter Barry, Secretary, CARA
from Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL, CARA president
Greetings everyone. The summer season is over and it’s now back to work, and back to school, for many of us. I continue to be an examiner for the ISED VHF ROC (M) Maritime Radio course in Calgary.
Despite COVID, we have kept busy over the summer. VE6RYC now has a new roof; we owe a debt of gratitude to the repeater Interest group for that; thanks guys. And the CSCC now has new concrete, landscaping, and parking lot improvements. Thanks to all who participated in that. We are now hoping for some exterior and interior building improvements in the months to come; fingers crossed.
Moving forward, we have the car rally at the beginning of October. See the info pages on the CARA web site for the details. Many thanks to Garry VE6GDS and Dana VA6DJH for the huge amount of radio team coordinating and volunteering that goes into these rallies.
We also have a new client with a new event this fall. These involve providing Comms services for university level athletics, specifically, cross country foot races. More info will follow on this as the logistics fall into place. Since these events are held outdoors, let’s hope that COVID will not lower the boom on them.
Please be reminded that all CARA indoor in-person club activities are still officially prohibited due to the again rising numbers of COVID cases in Alberta, and the increased hazard of the variants. Better to be safe than sorry. Please continue to attend as many of the virtual Zoom meetings that you can.
Don’t forget the September general meeting, the fourth Tuesday of the month, which will be held on Zoom. We seem to get the best turnout using that medium, and the interface allows side chats to keep everything lively. See the club web calendar for details.
We will be sending out a survey this fall with specific questions on what members would like to see from the club. We need YOUR input to help give us the direction for steering the club. Stay tuned for the link for that to arrive on your email in-box.
That’s all for this month; Stay safe and stay busy with our fun radio hobby!
Message from the CARA Executive
Joel Weder, Vice President
August, 2021
"Well, it's about time!!" I can hear one or two of you thinking just that as you read this. Yes, I've been a ham for over 30 years now, and I've been a member of CARA for all but the first couple of years. So I guess it really is about time that I jump in and start doing my part on the CARA executive. Thanks to Rob VE6CCL for doing a little gentle persuasion, by the way!
As I write this, the third QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo is under way. Wow, what a tremendous event. If you can't actually GO to a hamfest or convention, this is the way to do it. All sorts of interesting presentations, on topics from basic troubleshooting to SOTA activations to designing a ham satellite!
But speaking of hamfests, it's sounding like there MAY actually be a hamfest in Calgary this fall, sponsored by SARA. I've already booked two tables - how about you? The tentative date is October 23rd, with doors opening at 9 am, and as usual it'll be held at the Eastside City Church. Everybody please do your part to make sure we're on the right side of the curve, so this event can go ahead!
While most hams have been doing their own thing this summer, trying to stay cool or just stay out of the hospital, the members of various CARA teams have stayed busy. The new executive team is learning our roles, club procedures and processes, to be ready for meetings in the fall. The repeater team has also been busy, with work ongoing to repair the roof at the RYC repeater site. Thanks must go to our very energetic Doug Howard, VE6CID, for organizing that effort as well as work at other sites.
The Calgary Sports Car Club (our landlord) has finally decided to move ahead with landscaping work and building modifications to keep water away from the building. If you've been there, you'll know the site has often been very wet, and the basement has certainly not been ideal for a contest station due to mold concerns. Various team members have been regularly dropping by the CSCC site to monitor the work and try to minimize damage to CARA's many antennas and towers. Special thanks to Harry Maylor VE6HRY for acting as liaison with the CSCC.
The club participated in Field Day, operating a Multi-Op Low Power entry. At least seven hams got on the air, including VA6HEM, VE6CCL, VE6WMS, VE6DXM, VE6ACF, VE6KC and VE6KZ. The new location worked out well, and while it was hot there was at least some breeze, and no rain for a change. Thanks to Mike VA6HEM and Rob VE6CCL for organizing, and the whole team for an excellent effort!
Personally, I've also been very busy. I'm a member of a team that's developing Winlink standards and training materials , in conjunction with RAC and the new Auxiliary Communication Service. (ACS) Have you tried Winlink yet? Basically, it's email over radio, via either HF or VHF/UHF radio. If you can run digital modes, you can do Winlink. Super cool stuff, and very useful for working with our Emergency Services partners.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope to get out and have some portable HF fun as the weather slowly cools down. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing you at club meetings over the coming months. Keep enjoying the hobby, whatever aspect of it has caught your interest this summer!
Joel Weder, VE6EIVice President, CARA
submitted by Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL, CARA President
Greetings, members, and all who are interested in amateur radio. Happy summer!
2021 summer Field Day has come and gone, and by all accounts, it was another very successful event. Thanks goes to Michel Smith VE6HEM and Rob Wilson VE6CCL for doing the organizing. Well done all!
We are keeping quite busy around the club. It’s been an unprecedented hot June and July and the heat appears to be here to stay for the season. Stay clear of forest fires!
Finally, we have made some headway with getting improvements made with the building and yard of the Calgary Sports Car Club. The main thrust of it is to stop the flooding of the yard and the seepage/mold into the basement where our VE6AO station is located.
Work will start the week of July 26 with concrete work on the exterior stairs going down into the basement. The stairs and stairwell will be extended upwards by at least two feet. This will accommodate the raising of the ground around the south snd east sides of the building so that water sheds away from the building. Read: no more pooling around the club house!
New window wells are also to be installed where necessary to accommodate the higher ground level.
Earth moving is to tentatively commence the week of August 10. Members of the Station Interest Group will be on hand to point out locations of coax cables in the grass between the building snd the towers.
Many thanks to the guys on last year’s Executive Committee for getting these improvements rolling - Dave VE6DED, Harry VE6HRY, Stephane VE6NR, and Peter VA6RPL. .
Many thx to the same Dave, Harry, Stephane, and one other colleague, who did the yard cleanup prior to the upcoming earthworks.
After the earthworks, will come additional inside and outside improvements to the building, possibly such as improved exterior doors, an audio visual system for classes/meetings/rally orientations, roofing, etc. Step by step, things are happening.
The Repeater Interest Group remains busy with doing repairs to the roof of the VE6RYC building. The next work party is scheduled for August 7. For information on any project events with the repeater group, send your request to:
It looks like the car rallies are starting to roll again. The next one is October 9. Garry VE6GDS and Dana VA6DJH are busy coordinating the radio operators for the next rally. Here’s the link to the ongoing updates for the next event.
Garry and Dana have a survey for radio operators who participate in car rallies.
Please reply on this survey by July 31.
So, let’s stay busy having fun with the many facets of amateur radio.
Enjoy the summer!
(from Dave Cason VE6DED, President)
Hi Folks,
Well, I’m sitting here in my underwear typing this in a 28 degree room, and the elements on my tower have melted, how’s that for a pretty picture? (grin)
No, calm down and stop crying. I'm not really doing that, but it is 32 deg out today and for early June in Calgary – that’s saying something.
It’s safe to say spring has sprung and the summer is soon upon us, and what sort of summer will it be? That’s the big question. With the rally off for now, however things are slowly getting going again with Field Day moving ahead and word that SARA will have a flea market in the fall, and even the Stampede is right around the corner.
As for the club’s executive committee and the various groups within CARA, meetings are being held and plans are being made. There is work being done at the club station and at the various repeater sites, and the VHF special interest group has been having some great meetings and topics, so we’re slowly waking up from our COVID slumber. If we are lucky, I think we may even get back to “normal” by the fall.
So what does this all mean? Well, we’d like to get busy with even more events and projects, and even some new ideas as we slowly come back to life, and that’s where we can use more help. I think all the special interest groups, and the club as a whole would welcome any new ideas and or projects you would like to propose.
As well, we’d also like some people who really want to see things happen join the board of directors. Our job is to listen to the members and their ideas, and then if enough people think it’s a good idea – help make it happen!
Soon we have elections coming up and we would really like more members to get involved – as a small board of just four, we think it would be nice to have a person from each special interest group join the board if they can. It's not vital but, it would sure make things easier for us communication wise if we could get one person from each group to join the board. So if you are part of one of the teams out there working at the station or on the repeater team or the VHF special interest group and the Comm trailer team, we would like to hear from you!
If you are a member and have been around for a few years – AGAIN - welcome and feel free to come and give us a hand; JOIN THE BOARD!
Once things get going again it would sure be nice to have the help. Having the board meetings via Zoom does make it a ton easier. A face to face meeting once in a while is okay but, the Zoom meeting makes the commute that much easier!
Here’s hoping for a ‘soon to be’ return back to “normal”; heck, I bet everyone misses the donut’s and coffee and all the radio tales at the club meetings…
73 de VE6DED
Dave, President